Coming to terms with one’s sexual orientation produces many questions and challenges, particularly for men who have been or are married or partnered with women.
Often, the psychological cost is enormous and accompanied by anger, guilt, defensiveness, lowered self-esteem, depression, isolation, and emotional withdrawal from loved ones. Does anyone understand?
Yes, and it can be enormously helpful to meet and talk with other men who’ve tackled the same issues. But no man has all the answers to another’s questions, the solutions to another’s particular problems.
The Gay Fathers Association of Seattle provides a safe and supportive place where you can share your story, feel heard and understood, and hear how other men like you have coped with similar situations. From there, you can explore your own needs and resources and devise your own path through the confusion and anguish you may be feeling.
For nearly 50 years, hundreds of men have found GFAS; for many it’s been a pivotal moment in the process of discovering a new sense of integrity.
Every man is welcome.
“As the closeted father of two sons, I was so concerned about hurting those that I love and losing contact with my children. I found the GFAS website and started reading every resource on the site. Soon I realized that I was not alone. I can’t tell you how helpful this was as I completed my coming out journey and could proudly live my authentic life.”